Sunday, 17 November 2013

Week 12

Apologies for the delay in posting the Week 12 blog which is due to intermittent internet access.  This has also been the reason for not being able to upload photos over the last few weeks.

The weather has been a little warmer again this week so both Nursery and Preschool had the chance to use the paddling pools.  We have now started our new theme 'People Who Help Us' in which the children get the chance to meet visitors who talk about their jobs and explain why they are important and how they help us.  This week we were visited by a Dentist, Grocer and Photographer. Following the visit by the Dentist, the children discussed food that is good and bad for our teeth. They had great fun with the Grocer when they had chance to 'buy' items from the role play grocery shop.  The benefits of this visit were very clear as we noticed the children took on the role of the grocer and customer during centre time activities.  Both groups have enjoyed having outdoor picnics in the front garden.  This week the main snack has been salad and vegetables including carrots, cucumber, tomatoes, lettuce and 'jerjir'. On Saturday, the children enjoyed a snack of Macaroni and Cheese.

Nursery children are now well on their way to knowing all the body parts which are reinforced during each circle time.  They are also doing a great job of recognising colours and shapes and are joining in nicely with songs.  They have been painting, tracing, playing with playdough and very much enjoyed 'fishing' in the water tray.  Their independence and understanding is growing daily and we are very pleased with their overall progress.

Preschool children were introduced to number 9 this week, learning to count 9 objects and recognise how to read and write it.  They were also introduced to the letter m, it's sound and objects and names that begin with it.  They made mountain pictures and mouse pictures to reinforce the sound.  They have used flash cards about people who help us and are showing great understanding about the different jobs.

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