Saturday, 8 February 2014

Week 22

This week the children are still discussing animals, but have switched themes.

Nursery children are now learning about animals which can be kept as pets.  They have made goldfish bowls, cats from shapes, bunny rabbit hats, birds in cages and tortoises.  They have practised tracing vertical and curved lines as well as cutting zig zag lines.  During circle time, they are continuing to do different activities from the Letters and Sounds scheme which can be found here: 
This week they have concentrated on 'Which Instrument?' from Page 15, 'Story Sounds', 'Hidden Instruments', 'Musical Show and Tell' and 'Animal Sounds' from Page 17.  In addition to that, they have been listening to and identifying pet animal sounds.  Nursery children have managed to get into a good routine of eating at set times.

Preschool children have focused on the sound and shape for the digraph 'ck' this week.  This sound can come in the middle or at the end of a word.  The children have done several activities focusing around the sound, including making clocks, trucks and a 'ck' book.  They are now learning about Zoo/Jungle animals and have made giraffes, monkeys and an animal train in groups.  They have now been introduced to the number 15 and understand that 15, is 10 and 5 more.  They have practised making 15 fingers with a friend. They have used the toy animals to look at the idea of short and shorter.

We are delighted with the progress that the children are making, both in Nursery and Preschool.

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