Saturday, 15 March 2014

Week 26

This week both Nursery and Preschool children have explored the Five Senses theme.  They have learnt that you see with your eyes, hear with your ears, smell with your nose, taste with your tongue and touch with your hands.  Both groups have done blindfolded taste and smell tests to see of they could tell what a food item was using their taste and smell senses.  On Saturday they used their different senses whilst making and eating biscuits.  The recipe is as follows:


125g butter
Half cup sugar
Half teaspoon vanilla or other flavouring
1 egg, at room temperature
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking powder

Nursery children have made paper plate shakers, texture collages and bells in cups. They had great fun making scented play dough with a delicious peppermint smell.  The recipe if you would like to make is as follows:

2 cups flour
Half cup salt
1 tablespoon oil
250ml cold water
Food colouring
Food Scent (flavouring for smell)

Preschool children have matched parts of the body associated with the different senses.  They made Mr. Potato Head, taste bud models and shakers.  They have done different activities in order to explore the senses used on a daily basis including looking at objects through magnifying glasses and feeling objects around the class and outdoors to explore the texture using their touch sense.  They have revised letters and sounds for ck, e, u, r and have been counting objects and focusing on 1 more and 2 more as well as big and small.

Our favourite 'Five Senses' song can be found at this youtube link:

Thanks to those of you have brought items for junk modelling, we still need more so that all the children will be able to take part in this activity.

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