Wednesday, 10 September 2014

week 4
This week we will continue our “All About Me” theme by learning about our feelings.  It will be a week full of facial expressions, stomping, leaping, and pretending to cry.  Despite all of the pretend tears we will have so much fun and share a lot about ourselves and how things make us feel.  

We will start by learning and describing some new feeling words to use throughout the week.  We will focus on happy, excited, and scared (frightened), shy, tired, and angry (frustrated).  We will practice making faces for each feeling!  We will read stories about how we feel. We will talk about what helps us calm down when we are angry. 

We will continue the fun by adding some interpretive dance to our song of the week, “If You’re Happy and You Know It.”  We will dance around the classroom illustrating all the different emotions in our song - and laughing a lot too!  We started last Thursday with little take home packs including the theme activities that we have focused on so far. 

Each sound has an action which helps children remember the letter that represents it. As your child progresses you can point to the letters and see how quickly s/he can do the action and say the sound.  Children should learn each letter by its sound rather than by its name, as this will help in blending. The names of each letter can follow later.

Week 2 letter s
Week 3 letter a
Week 4 letter t
Week 5 we will introduce letter i
Think about all the ways that numbers and counting are part of your child’s life! From soapy toes in the bathtub to “get ready- set- go!” in the Yard,
Week 1 we had number 0 for preschool
Week 2 we had number 1
Week 3 we had number 2 
Week 4 we had number 3

 Week 5 We are going to introduce number 4

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