Sunday, 6 April 2014

Week 29

This week the children discussed uses of different boxes and bags.

Nursery children enjoyed using carrier bags to collect as much shopping as they could in the role play room. They discussed which items you would need to pack for a baby for a day out.  They made and decorated paper gift bags for presents, boxes to keep their treasures inside and special boxes to eat their popcorn from.  They have done many worksheets to help focus on and improve their pencil control skills. During circle time they revised the following:

- animals and their sounds
- colours
- shapes
- body parts
- rote counting to 10
- names of fruits and vegetables
- types of weather
- the 5 senses
- sounds in the environment
- sound recognition
- facial expressions
- the alphabet
- songs and rhymes
- prediction

Preschool children have thoroughly investigated and discussed different types of bags and their uses.  They sorted suitcases and boxes according to their size, made towers and bridges from boxes and made paper backpacks.  This week they learnt the sound, song and formation for the letter f.  They made flower, fire and frog crafts to reinforce the sound of the letter f.  They have continued to practice addition to 10 both practically and on paper.  During the week, the children have been reminded about the importance of tidying up/clearing away their toys and resources carefully in order to play with them next time.  They have focused on respecting themselves, others and their environment.

The theme for week 30 will be 'Transportation'.  Preschool children will be introduced to letter 'l' and will focus on addition and subtraction to 10

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