Saturday, 12 April 2014

Week 30

This week the theme has been all about 'Transportation'.  The children have been learning and discussing all about different types of transport and how they travel - on land, sea or air.

Nursery children have made helicopters, boats, buses and dump trucks this week.  They have been counting cars and sorting them according to the different colours.  They have matched them to different coloured chutes and parked the correct number of cars according to the given number.  They have been very interested in using the Tablet P.Cs this week and exploring the various games available on them.  Some of the children have begun to take the initiative during circle time by sitting on the teacher's seat and ask the other children questions, mimicking the teachers.

Preschool children were introduced to the letter 'l' and the sound it makes.  They have made lollipops, lamps and shells.  They had great fun practising shapes through games with the carpet shape tiles, hopping and jumping onto the named shapes. They have done a lot of revision about adding one more (for numbers up to 15) and in general they are getting the idea really well.  For the transportation theme they made aeroplanes, cars and lorries.  Many children made aeroplanes and other vehicles from lego.  This theme will continue next week.  The children have completed their assessments and proven that they are ready to move to big school after the summer holiday to join Reception class - they are very excited!

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